So, yeah, how about the big Tim Tebow news, amiright? No matter how you feel his signing does or doesn't affect the Patriots' douche-factor, one thing seems clear: the NFL loves messing with this dude. Granted, the totes-Catholic Boston area (why do you think they named it MASSachusetts?) has gotta be more churchy than the den of iniquity that is the New York metropolitan area, but this new chapter in Tebow's ongoing saga in the secular Northeast only gives further support to any notion that these are his "wandering in the wilderness" years. (Yes, we know we're inconsistently mixing all sorts of Bible-y stuff here). Maybe the whole thing is intentional missionary work, but it feels like an intentional punishment that the poor man can't get transfered somwhere below the Mason-Dixon line.
Anywho, this ordeal reminded us of a beloved old Giant Steps-era b-side by The Boo Radleys. Unfortunately, YouTube came up empty handed, so the best we could do was find it on Grooveshark. Enjoy!: